Topeka, KS


Quick, what’s the capital of Kansas.  Darn, that was too easy!  We left Scott AFB early this morning and headed west (where else?) on I-70 through St Louis and across Missouri.  Confusing driving through Kansas City (which is actually in Missouri) – too many crossroads and interstates going through that city.  I think we crossed the Mississippi once and the Missouri twice – not sure how that works out.  The Arch in St Louis was pretty in the fog and rain.  Finally half-way across Missouri, the sun came out and we had blue, cloudy skies for the rest of the trip.


Made a side trip on Exit 66 to visit the Cheese Store.  After seeing their advertisements for miles, we thought it would be a good spot to take a break.  Located in a small town, they had a wide selection cheese, wine, Dotty’s pretzels, etc.  We contributed to the local economy and then made our way back to I-70.  It’s fun figuring how where I can turn around with the Jeep attached and a tight turning radius.  So far on this trip, we have only had to unhook the Jeep one time in order to get out of a tight spot.


We got to Topeka about mid-afternoon – our Fitbits don’t want to cooperate and change time zones; however, our phones are reliable.  We’re at the Capital KOA and, after driving four miles off the Interstate, we ended up 180 feet from the four-lane highway.  Talk about going in circles.  Again, the RV (may end up being Pretty Girl with Bad Boy as the Jeep) is sound-proof, so that’s of no concern.  After a glass of wine, we thought we’d check out the local casino, but it turned out to be too far for an easy trip.  Therefore, we ended up trying out two of the local pubs – The Norsemen and Iron Rail.  Norsemen was not our cup of tea, but the Iron Rail was a fun spot and we had dinner there.


Came back home, hooked up the Jeep in preparation for an early start.  Don’t think we’ll make Denver Thursday night (it’s 560 miles from Topeka), so it looks like Friday when we get to Paul and Sandy’s.  Should still give us plenty of time to visit and then head home.
