Still in Fargo


Nice cold day in Fargo.  I think someone forgot to turn the heat on, although I must admit it’s better than the heat and humidity we experienced on our first day in Fargo.  I guess it’s just hard to keep us satisfied!  Went to Scheels Home and Hardware (a little different store than their normal sports-centered stores).  We were looking for a small gas grill which we could use on a picnic table – the folks in the store couldn’t have been more helpful, friendly and experienced.  We could have spent hours just looking at all the “stuff” on display; however, this isn’t the time for accumulating things – just the necessities.  Took the opportunity to have some keys made, so we have duplicates.  I seem to have a tendency to mislay keys, so it’s always good to have an extra set.


Drove out to Ken and Melanie’s because we wanted to drop off some of the family history items which I had accumulated over the years (see above note about not accumulating things).  Neat drive out to their farm and we enjoyed the visit.  Speaking of accumulating things and paring down, that’s what Ken and Melanie are doing with a lot of their “stuff”.  Had fun going through their shed in back of their home – took a picture of one of their “friends” with Vi and Melanie.  He’s a annual fixture at their Halloween parties.

In the evening, we drove over to Jeff and Melissa’s for Christopher’s graduation party.  He and Colin (along with Ryan) both attended West Fargo High School.  Again, fun seeing all the family again (seems like only yesterday that we were with them 😊).  Good food, good drinks, and enjoyable conversation.  Seems like we can always find something to discuss and enjoy everyone’s company.  Melissa had done some great picture boards of Christopher’s life and exploits. 

as a cool evening, but no rain – Melissa said she threatened the weather gods – guess it worked.  Partied on till midnight.


