Still in Rapid City

Remember that picture of the view from our RV out over the valley?  Well, this morning, you couldn't see across the road because of a dense fog across the valley.  According to the news, it's a usual occurrence here, but it sure seemed like we were in San Francisco with the fog rolling in.  Eventually, it burned off and it was a beautiful, sunny day.  After breakfast, we decided to do some touring and take a ride up to Sturgis and Deadwood.  On the way we stopped at Camping World which is to RVer's somewhat like being like a kid in a candy store.  How can you do without all those toys, accessories, etc.?  Managed to resist most of the temptations, but we did pick up a few of the items we found that we needed.

We drove through Sturgis and can only imagine what it will be like in August when all the bikers arrive.  Right now it's a pretty drive through a small town which is still preparing for the tourist rush after Memorial Day.  The same can be said for Deadwood - who knew there was a town in South Dakota dedicated to the fine arts of gaming.

Although it's a pretty town with lots of emphasis on its' mining past and the evidence of that past in the old mines; today it's a mecca for gamblers and has more than ten establishments dedicated to that pastime.  We couldn't resist the name of Cadillac Jack's and stopped to explore the place.  Fun environment, even early in the day, and we had a good time exploring the place.  On the way out of town, we passed a local square which looked to be dedicated to local events.  On the stage were a group of kids, probably kindergarten or first graders, judging from their size.  Stopped to listen to them sing - kind of cool.

The below picture is of the main street through town shows how they have tried to incorporate the new ventures into their history.  Again, we can't imagine what it's going to be like when the tourists hit in full force.  

After a drive through Deadwood and Lead, we headed back to Rapid City.  Nice to be able to use the Jeep for touring and not have to worry about driving the RV through the countryside.  Rest of the day was spent doing some exploring and shopping around town.  Drove out to Ellsworth AFB and checked it out, then went to Target' before coming home for dinner.

Tomorrow we're heading north across South Dakota and North Dakota.  Will end up in Bismark to meet up with Kelly and Beth, Butch's two daughters, who are on a trip back to ND to visit with relatives.
