Sunday - Tim's 50th Party


Sunday, we drove into Rochester to have breakfast with Tim and Kathy.  Afterwards, Tim came back with us to the campground while Kathy (on the pretense of visiting her Mother) took off and supervised/worked on the surprise party for Tim.  It was no problem keeping Tim busy as we had several things we needed to do with the motor home (still unnamed).  We were low on propane and gas so we went to a local Tractor Supply Store to take care of that chore.  Very friendly and we were glad they were open on Memorial Day weekend.  Also bought some quick-disconnects for our water hose.  Fiddling with the hoses in the rain prompted that purchase.  Now it’s a snap (pun intended) to hook up the water supply.  Tim also helped with a shelf which I had snapped off.  Note to self – don’t lean on a shelf under the window when opening the window.  It don’t support my weight .  A really awkward spot behind the recliners made for a difficult task.  Thankfully, Tim was able to get it back together.


In the afternoon, we drove out to Brockport, supposedly to meet up with Jackie (Kathy’s Mom) and Kathy.  On the way, I got a text saying they were at Northampton Park in Spencerport (all pre-arranged).  I told Tim that Kathy had gone to the park.  I think he kind of suspected something was up when we got to the park and he spotted some familiar cars, but no people anywhere in sight.  We walked down to a cabin on the property and I opened the door for Tim and over sixty people yelled “Surprise”.  A surprise for us was that Tom III and Carolyn had made the trip over from Vermont for the occasion.  It was a great party and Kathy did an excellent job of organizing it and making it all come together.  I’m sure Facebook is replete with pictures of the occasion.  I did manage to take some pictures, but when I get some of the others, I think I’ll post them with an Overdrive link.  Good food, conversation and meeting lots of people, some of whom we had met before and others we were now able to connect faces with names.  Both of Kathy’s sisters came up from the City and Long Island and it was great meeting them for the first time.  From all the good words and comments we heard about Tim, I think we were talking about two different people.  Just kidding, it was nice to see how well-thought of he was and the good turn-out to celebrate his birthday.

I had made a Shutterfly book of pictures from the time of his birth to the present day (some of the people at the party contributed shots from the Rochester area).  It was good for others to see the events in Tim’s life. As the party died down, after a long time, came the task of cleaning up the cabin and loading up cars with the leftovers and party favors.  Some of the 50th Birthday items had done previous duty at other parties and were scheduled to be re-used at more in the future.  Good recycling endeavor.  All in all, Kathy did an awesome job of arranging the party.  Really fun day.

