Oakley, KS


Must be the home of Annie Oakley, because the Buffalo Bill museum is here also.  Have to check that out.  Took off from Topeka this morning and took an interesting detour south (we’re not saying we made a wrong turn, but that may have been the case).  In any event, the next exit was seventeen miles away and we got off I-335 there and traveled on US 56 west through the heartland.  Interesting drive and fun to see the countryside – might as well get the most of a bad decision.  Passed through Council Grove, KS, which bragged about being on the Santa Fe Trail (even had a side road leading to some wagon tracks).  Finally found a road north which took us back to I-70 at Junction City.  On I-70, we got off at Abilene, KS (home of Ike and Mamie and their presidential museum).  Stopped at the Visitor’s Center, but the Director had closed shop for two days to go to a tourism conference – must be hurting for volunteers to man the office.  The Visitor’s Center occupies the old train station along with some local town offices.  They were helpful in providing a map and some local information.  Along the main drag into town were some beautiful old mansions and fancy homes.  Must have been some money made on the Chisholm Trail which runs through this area.


Stayed on I-70 heading West and made reservations in Oakley, KS for the night.  Small, but neat, campsite – it even has a few trees which is highly unusual in this part of Kansas.  When they say you can see for miles, this is the part of the country they’re talking about.  Lots of farmland and cattle.  Hot and humid – it was 88 when we hooked up, but now an hour later, it’s 91!  One of the minor conveniences that they don’t talk about is the fragrance in the air – I think it’s call “eau de manure”.


Tomorrow it’s on to Denver and a visit with Paul and Sandy and perhaps Connor (Melanie and Ken’s son).
