Trip to New Hampshire

Friday morning we picked up some bagels and went over to Tom and Carolyn's for breakfast.  Carolyn is still teaching and she has one more week to go before retirement.  However, we had a good meal out on the porch with Tom and Katie.  Char and JT joined us later.  Tom III made arrangements for all of us to rendezvous with my sister, Mary Ann, at an intermediate point half-way between Tom's house and their summer home in New Hampshire.  It was an hour drive each way for both of us.

Beautiful drive through the Vermont countryside across the state to the New Hampshire border.  We met at a rest area and then moved to a nearby picnic area overlooking the Connecticut River.  Mary Ann and Stuart had just made the trip north from Charleston, SC to Ashland, NH.  It was good to see them and catch up on what we had all been doing.  As a note of interest, there was a small monument in the picnic area which marked the Vermont/New Hampshire border, so Tom III didn't have to feel like he was out of state.  Tom and Char had both sent photos of our get-togethers, but for some reason, I can't download the photos which are incorporated into their e-mails, so they are going to resend them as attachments.  Have to increase my knowledge of picture-saving :-).

Added Note - finally received copies of the photos.  Char, Katie, Tom Jr, Vi, Mary Ann, Stuart, Tom III.

Enjoyed a beautiful day and picnic, then it was back to Morrisville to get ready for JT's surprise graduation party at Peg's (Char's mother and the house where they are staying during their visit to Vermont).  Katie couldn't join us as she had a soccer game in Burlington.  She's joined a local league and is looking forward to continuing her soccer experience.  

JT was surprised when he arrived and realized that all of the people he had associated with in Vermont were there.  Nice buffet and conversation.  Char did a great job of decorating the area and arranging for the food and keeping it as a surprise.

Tomorrow we break camp and start wending our way back home.  Still not sure exactly what route we are going to take, but we'll start heading south through Vermont and New York, probably over toward Binghamton, NY.
